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“Before giving, the mind of the giver is happy; while giving, the mind of the giver is made peaceful; and having given, the mind of the giver is uplifted.” Gautama Buddha.


Our temple depends solely upon the financial and material support of its lay disciples.

Your generous donations will guarantee the future survival and continued success of Alabama Buddhist Vihara.

There are number of devotees who offer monetary contributions on monthly basis for regular needs.

If anyone else wish to offer your generous support towards this,

please contact Ven. Dhammaloka Thero.


You can make your donations via following options.


Details for Transfer funds:


Rev. Baminiyanvila Dhammaloka

Alabama Buddhist Vihara


Phone # : 727.504.0518

Bank Info:

Ac # - 8983629612


write “Pay to the order of:”

Alabama Buddhist Vihara

write a check


What Is Venmo?

Venmo is a peer-to-peer (P2P) payment app available on iPhones and Android phones that allows for the quick and easy exchange of money directly between individuals.

When donating via Paypal, please remember to mention

the reason for the donation

(please note that there’s a ~3% fee for the transaction. i.e if you donate $100, temple will only  receive $97)

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Alabama Buddhist Vihara

1217 Xavier Street, 
Birmingham, AL 35224 

(727) 504-0518

(001) 205 201 2881

Created and maintained by KumaraPhotography

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